Thursday, July 24, 2008

Rheumatoid Arthritis - What Are the Signs?

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes swelling and stiffness in the joints and can often cause deformities in these areas. With over 2.1 million sufferers in the United States alone Rheumatoid Arthritis is on the increase. Rheumatoid arthritis is most common in people aged between 25 and 50 and is three times as likely to affect women as it is men.
There are three stages of rheumatoid arthritis:

1. The swelling of the synovial (lubricating fluid around joints in the body) lining. This causes pain, stiffness, redness, and swelling around joints.

2. The rapid division and growth of cells. This causes the synovium (free moving membrane in joints in the body) to thicken.

3. The inflamed cells release enzymes that eat up bone and cartilage. This causes the joint to lose its shape and alignment, causing more pain and loss of movement.

What causes Rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, and as yet there is no cure. Some people with Rheumatoid arthritis have other family members with the same, but genetics has not yet been proven to be linked with the disease.

So what are some of the signs and symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Aching in the joints is obviously the first sign, but sufferers may also have Anaemia and a decreased appetite. Dry eyes and mouth can also be a sign of Rheumatoid arthritis as well as fatigue and flu like symptoms. If you find that you have stiffness in your muscles and that you have a general loss of strength this can be a symptom of arthritis. If your joints are becoming swollen and you start to notice hard lumps appearing this can also be a sign of Rheumatoid arthritis.

Although there is no cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis, you do not have to live with the pain. There are plenty of medications available to help you deal with the effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis as well as alternative therapies. It is best to speak with your Doctor who can help you decide which is the best way to treat your symptoms and help you live a pain free life.


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